The term "AA quality" regarding Greek oregano typically refers to a grading system used to classify the quality of the herb. However, in the context of Greek oregano, there isn't an official or standardized grading system universally recognized across suppliers or regions.
In general, when the term "AA quality" is used, it often implies a higher grade or superior quality compared to lower grades. This can encompass various factors such as:
Purity: AA quality might suggest that the oregano is relatively free from impurities, foreign matter, or other herbs or leaves mixed in.
Flavor and Aroma: It may indicate a stronger and more robust flavor profile with a more pronounced aroma, typically associated with good-quality oregano.
Appearance: Oregano of higher quality might have vibrant color, intact leaves, and a fresher appearance compared to lower grades.
Harvesting and Processing: It could imply that the oregano was harvested and processed carefully, preserving its essential oils and flavors.
However, these grading terms might vary depending on the seller or distributor, and there might not be a standardized industry-wide grading system for oregano quality. It's advisable to refer to the supplier's description or specifications to understand their criteria for grading oregano as "AA quality."
Greek oregano is highly regarded for its robust flavor and is a staple herb in Mediterranean cuisine, adding depth to dishes like salads, sauces, meats, and pasta. When selecting oregano, personal preference and the intended use in cooking are key factors to consider beyond just the grading terminology.